The Foundation Wise Man Maduro is a cigar rooted in the rich narrative of King Solomon and the Queen of Sheba, whose union brought forth Menelik, The Wise Man. Foundation Cigars describes this story as a “tale of heritage, wisdom, and cultural richness,” which forms the very essence of this distinguished cigar line. The Wise Man Maduro seamlessly blends traditional craftsmanship with innovative techniques, delivering a memorable smoking experience that underscores Foundation Cigar’s commitment to premium quality.
This full-bodied cigar offers a complex flavor profile with notes of espresso, pepper, and sweetness. It features an oily Mexican San Andres maduro wrapper that envelops a Nicaraguan binder and filler. Handcrafted by My Father Cigars for Foundation Cigars, it stands as a testament to the art of cigar making and the depth of cultural heritage and wisdom.
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