Down to every detail.
At Privada, we understand how hard it can be to find the right cigar. Privada Explore™ allows us all the ability to easily find the perfect cigar and make better buying decisions. Each time you use Privada Explore, you get closer and closer to finding what you really like. In pursuit of the perfect cigar: Privada Explore.
Click a highlighted country below to explore cigars rolled and blended in that country or cigars using tobacco grown in that country.
Click a tobacco below to explore all the cigars in stock that use that type of tobacco.
Pick a flavor you get out of your favorite cigar and see a list of other cigars with similar flavors. Or simply pick a flavor you enjoy and begin your journey to finding your new favorite cigar.
Chances are if you love a cigar, you may also love some of the other cigars made at the same factory. Here is your chance to find cigars you didn’t know were made by your favorite manufacturers.
Whether you have a favorite size of cigar or are looking to try cigars with sizes you have not tried before, here is an easy way to find cigars of any vitola.