Introducing LCA Cavalier Paca, Cavalier Cigars introduces a masterpiece hailing from the heart of Honduras, expertly crafted with the finest Plasencia tobacco. Each cigar boasts a strip of paca fabric, cut from over 15,000 burlap-style sacks where the tobaccos used in this blend were aged. This isn’t just decoration; it symbolizes the dedication, time, and effort of every individual involved in the cigar’s journey from seed to smoke.
LCA Cavalier Paca: Every puff reminds you of the countless hands and heartfelt stories that shaped its essence. This release is a testament to the harmonious blend of science and tradition, marking a renaissance in craft cigars. Cavalier Genève Paca is a 6×50 toro featuring a Habano wrapper, Connecticut binder, and Nicaraguan and Peruvian fillers rolled at Fábrica Centroamericana de Tabaco in Honduras.
Check out more cigars from Cavalier here.
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