Foundation Cigar Company’s The Tabernacle Havana Seed CT No 142 David cigars exemplify the artistry of Nicholas Melillo, founder of Foundation Cigar Company. This cigar extends the esteemed Tabernacle series, celebrated for its superior quality and intricate flavor profile. Central to this blend is the Havana Seed CT No. 142 David wrapper, cultivated in the Connecticut River Valley. This wrapper is highly regarded for its delicate balance of flavor and texture, providing a sophisticated smoking experience. Complementing the wrapper are a Nicaraguan binder and filler, adding to the cigar’s richness and complexity.
The Tabernacle Havana Seed CT No 142 David offers a medium-bodied profile, delivering a harmonious blend that engages the palate from start to finish. The cigar’s construction is exemplary, a testament to Foundation Cigar Company’s dedication to craftsmanship. Smokers can expect a flawless burn and an effortless draw, ensuring a satisfying experience that allows the nuanced flavors to shine through with each puff. Whether you’re a seasoned cigar aficionado or new to Foundation Cigar Company’s offerings, The Tabernacle Havana Seed CT No. 142 David is an excellent choice for those seeking a well-balanced, flavorful, and expertly crafted cigar.
Check out more cigars from Foundation here.
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