Junito Aged 4 Years



Immerse yourself in the world of Cuban-style cigars with our exclusive announcement tailored for both enthusiasts and newcomers. Discover a meticulously crafted Costa Rican cigar from a renowned factory celebrated for its Cuban-style creations, ensuring an authentic and captivating experience. Notably, Cuban tobacco, legal in many countries, adds to the allure.

Originally destined for a wealthy Spaniard with a prestigious cigar brand, this unique cigar reached us due to dissatisfaction with the wrapper leaf’s dry appearance. At Privada Cigar Club, our focus is on the essence of cigars, prioritizing quality over aesthetics, ensuring a remarkable smoking experience. In a departure from themed boxes, this year, we unveil a series of bands that seamlessly blend tradition with a bold statement. These bands, mimicking popular Cuban brands, are designed to engage critics of our artwork. However, the backs of these bands feature a lineup of original characters unique to our club. One such character, inspired by Popeye and boasting distinctive features like striking gold teeth, adds a touch of originality. This collection, a harmonious blend of homage and creativity, invites you to share suggestions for character names at [email protected]. Join us in celebrating this exciting fusion of tradition and innovation in the world of premium cigars!

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SKU: 541659 Category: Tag:


Wrapper: Nicaraguan Corojo
Binder: Dominican Republic
Fillers: 100% Especial

Body: The initial sensation is intriguingly complex, characterized by the unusual but captivating aroma of fermenting rotten peaches.
Foot: A harmonious blend of cedar and the nuttiness of peach pits emanates, hinting at a deep and nuanced profile.
Cold Draw: Freshly cut cedar dominates, complemented by a distinct ‘Cuban twang’ reminiscent of apricots, setting an exotic stage.

Tasting Notes: An exquisite ballet of florals, woods, and spices unfolds, underpinned by a subtle sweetness. The smoke is creamy, leading into a retrohale spiked with red pepper. Notes of apricot jam mingle with sweet and charred cedar. The finish is brief yet leaves a zingy impression. This segment raises the question: is this the perfect Habano cigar?

A luxurious blend of oak, cream, apricot, and cedar, interspersed with hints of black pepper. The cigar’s character is increasingly reminiscent of a top-tier Habano, marked by a zingy, tangy profile akin to a fine Cuban cigar. The fruit profile evolves, introducing strawberries to the existing apricot notes, adding a new layer of complexity. The zinginess transforms, acquiring a raspberry-like sharpness. The wood notes, consisting of oak and cedar, remain the pinnacle of quality. As the
experience nears its close, nuances of sea salt and pepper emerge, followed by a subtle lemon juice note, culminating in a thrilling and satisfying conclusion.

Pairing Notes: Fruity, aged rum or a complex, oaky Chardonnay, further enhancing its intricate flavors.


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